
Labour wants Ghai draft brought back in Fiji

19:04 pm on 6 November 2014

The Fiji Labour Party is calling for the reinstatement of the Ghai draft constitution, saying it addresses the concerns raised about the constitution at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The Labour leader Mahendra Chaudhry says the job of producing an inclusive constitution reflective of the will of the people was accomplished by the Ghai Commission two years ago.

But Mr Chaudhry say this draft was discarded by the military-led regime for a tailor-made document which has failed the scrutiny of the world's top human rights body.

He says the Labour Party has always maintained the regime's constitution was undemocratic, undermined fundamental human rights, and failed to maintain the separation of powers.

Mr Chaudhry says the Ghai draft should be put through parliament for approval because it addresses the main concerns raised at the UN body.

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Photo: Fiji Labour Party