
SPARC says it can't do any more

12:18 pm on 8 May 2009

The government sports funding agency SPARC says it's doing all it can to fund New Zealand's top high performance athletes.

This comes after world champion shot-putter Valerie Vili quashed suggestions by a British magazine that she would switch allegiances to Britain, due to a lack of funding for local athletes.

Vili says while she was critical of the level of funding top New Zealand athletes get compared to other countries she doesn't have any intention of switching allegiances.

But a spokesperson for SPARC says, as a world champion, Vili gets as good a deal as any top New Zealand athelete.

Her world champion status entitles her to the maximum performance enhancement grant of $40,000, and as a carded athelete she also has access to top sports science and sports medicine facilites at the New Zealand Academy of Sport.