
American Samoan House of Representatives backs second reading to ban use plastic bags

16:50 pm on 13 March 2009

The American Samoan House of Representatives, has unanimously, approved in second reading a bill to ban the use of plastic bags.

The bill would ban stores in the territory from giving out non biodegradable plastic shopping bags to customers.

Chamber of Commerce President, David Robinson, among others, testified in support of the bill:

"It is a bill that when passed that will have significant impact on the preservation our environment. It will protect our marine wildlife from untimely deaths and decrease the trash that flows down our streams and into the oceans. The Chamber hope that the introduction of this bill for the prohibition of plastic shopping bags will be the first step in banning all types of plastic bags and wrappers that are not totally biodegradable."

Mr. Robinson said passage of the bill would make the territory a leader in efforts to get rid of these harmful plastic bags.