The Wireless

More spy revelations to come - Greenwald

08:59 am on 17 September 2014

US journalist Glenn Greenwald is promising further revelations on the extent to which New Zealand has spied on other countries, Radio New Zealand reports.

The journalist, brought to New Zealand to speak at the Internet Party's meeting in Auckland this week, said he would detail New Zealand's spying activities, based on information from the fugitive US National Security Agency whistleblower, Edward Snowden.

Speaking to Monday's meeting in a video link from Moscow, Edward Snowden said Prime Minister John Key was misleading the public by denying mass surveillance.

Greenwald, a former columnist on civil liberties and US national security issues for the Guardian newspaper in Britain, has been dismissed by John

Key as a “loser” and one of Kim Dotcom's “henchmen”.

Guardian diplomatic editor Julian Borger said that was strong language and inaccurate.

“Glenn Greenwald started the reporting on this focused on the NSA, GCHQ (Britain's Government Communications Headquarters) and that is where his reporting has been centred. To describe him as being subordinate to a New Zealand entrepreneur seems just wildly inaccurate.”

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security says no indiscriminate interception of NZers’ data identified.

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