Pacific / Fiji

Fiji opposition accepts controversial funding

09:17 am on 24 March 2015

Fiji's Social Democratic Liberal Party has agreed to receive its parliamentary allocation after running the opposition office without it since January.

Photo: RNZ / Republika

The Fiji Times reports the SODELPA and opposition leader Ro Teimumu Kepa has confirmed the party received its budget of 110,000 US dollars last Friday.

The Opposition had earlier refused to receive the allocation after changes were made by the Secretary General to Parliament.

The opposition alleged at the time that the Attorney-General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, interfered with the parliamentary process to force the changes.

However last month the opposition whip Ratu Isoa Tikoca said the Secretary-General had taken back responsibility and Mr Sayed-Khaiyum promised the opposition could apply for more funding if needed without his interference.

Meanwhile, the Times reports the National Federation Party continues to disagree with the change in the budget allocation and is yet to receive its allocation.