
Petition pushes for better outcomes from EU agreement with Pacific

07:19 am on 28 July 2018

The Pacific Network on Globalisation, or PANG, is pushing for better outcomes for the Pacific in upcoming negotiations with the European Union.

PANG is petitioning Pacific ministers involved in the 'Post-Cotonou' negotiations to ensure the agreement doesn't undermine regional development.

Leaders at the opening of the Pacific Islands Forum in Samoa.

Leaders at the opening of the Pacific Islands Forum in Samoa. Photo: Tipi Autagavaia

The group's Trade Justice Campaigner, Adam Wolfenden, said that the mandate for the agreement shows an underlying agenda of exchanging aid for access to resources such as fishing and deep sea minerals.

"There's a lot of lovely language in there about sustainability and development, but when you filter through you would see, what we would argue [is] the real agenda of the EU - you know access to the resources of the region," said Adam Wolfenden.

Mr Wolfenden said PANG is calling on civil society and individuals to sign the petition, and says the agreement will determine the relationship the Pacific has with Europe for decades to come.

Negotiations are set to start next month between the Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) countries and the EU on the agreement, which will replace the existing Cotonou Partnership Agreement in 2020.

Adam Wolfenden

Adam Wolfenden Photo: PANG