
Warning over security on PNG/Indo border

20:48 pm on 29 January 2015

A former Governor of West Sepik province in Papua New Guinea says both the national government and Australia's need to do more to help protect PNG's land border with Indonesia.

Vanimo Harbour, West Sepik, Papua New Guinea. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades

John Tekwie's comment comes after another reported Indonesian military incursion into PNG, in Bewani, West Sepik.

Indonesian military pursuits of Free West Papua rebels spilling over into PNG have become common over the years, as have complaints by PNG citizens living near the porous border about their treatment by the Indonesians.

Mr Tekwie says PNG and Australia need to wake up over the security situation caused by the continued subjugation of West Papuans by Indonesia.

"And you know, when a man is pushed to the end of a table, what do they do? They gonna fight back. I think the West Papua issue is boiling up to that point soon and something is going to happen. And Indonesia is adamant as you know, that Indonesia will fight to protect and prevent West Papua breaking away."

John Tekwie