Te Ao Māori

Tribal rangatiratanga paramount - Rangitane

19:14 pm on 31 October 2012

Some members of Rangitane in Palmerston North say they will do everything they can to protect the rangatiratanga of their tribe.

A group was formed to try to stop the Crown settling Treaty claims with a local urban authority - arguing Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Incorporated does not represent the true whanau of Rangitane.

It's claimed the Crown negotiators have ignored advice from its own agencies, such as Te Puni Kokiri.

A Rangitane descendant, Brigitte Te Awe Awe-Bevan, says their tribal authority must not be usurped.

She says they don't need other people speaking for the iwi.

Ms Te Awe Awe-Bevan hopes the Government will listen when she and other Rangitane members meet Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister, Christopher Finlayson next week.