Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG police hope mediation approach prevails in Tari

13:18 pm on 16 May 2018

Papua New Guinea's police commissioner says he's satisfied with the force's use of mediation to try and end deadly violence in Hela province.

Hela's Police Commander Martin Lakari organised peace talks and a mediation process which began last week in Tari between tribes involved in fighting which had killed about a dozen people in the area since March.

The unrest caused international humanitarian workers to pull out of Hela and a suspension of aid relief for many communities affected by February's magnitude 7.5 earthquake.

PNG Police Commissioner, Gary Baki. Photo: EMTV

The commissioner, Gary Baki, said that fighting had subsided, but admitted it's always difficult for police to control all pockets of insurgents.

He said police were stretched to the limit.

"We have a disaster operation that's going on," Mr Baki said.

"Then you have tribal fights to deal with over there.

"So Martin (Lakari) is doing his best in the mediation, and I'm quite happy with the way he's handling the situation over there with the mediation approach. And I just hope our own leaders as well too see that's the way forward on it, to getting their own people to respect the law."