Christchurch Earthquake

Residents demand to see red zone land reports

23:13 pm on 25 September 2011

More residents of Canterbury's residential quake red zones are demanding to see the geotechnical reports which have condemned their land.

At least 200 people attended a rally in Kaiapoi near Christchurch on Sunday protesting the red zone status of their properties.

There have also been protests by residents in Christchurch's eastern suburbs which have also been red-zoned.

Residents have been left with the difficult decision of whether to accept a Government buyout for their land or house, or both. Many are disputing their red-zone classification, believing their land to be stable enough to rebuild on.

Rally organiser Brent Cairns says there is nothing wrong with his property.

"You'd swear you're in the pristine areas of Christchurch or Kaiapoi. There's beautiful homes and there's beautiful land."

Mr Cairns says the Government's buy-up offer will leave many Kaiapoi residents out of pocket by between $50,000 and $150,000 when they come to buy a replacement home.

The Government has said the geotechnical reports will not be made available until all properties have been assessed - a process which could take at least six months.