Te Ao Māori

Principals weigh in on school - liquor store buffer zone plan

19:15 pm on 25 July 2012

The Secondary Principals' Association says there are more effective ways to reduce alcohol harm than introducing a one-kilometre buffer zone between schools and liquor stores.

Manurewa MP, Labour's Louisa Wall, is proposing the new law in a supplementary order paper to the Alcohol Reform Bill.

Ms Wall, of Tuwharetoa and Waikato, says children who live within 1km of their school tend to walk and see what she calls a proliferation of liquor stores.

The association's president, Patrick Walsh, agrees the buffer zone proposal has merit.

But he believes the Government should prioritise introducing all the Law Commission's recommendations, including increasing the price of alcohol and raising the purchase age to 20.

Mr Walsh says the Government needs to stop tinkering with smoke-screen recommendations and take the Law Commission's advice, which he says most reasonable people agree with.