Pacific / Papua New Guinea

PNG jails to get upgrade

17:01 pm on 26 October 2016

Nine jails in Papua New Guinea are set to be upgraded at a cost of $US280 million.

The Post Courier has reported the Correctional Services upgrading project would benefit remote provinces including Manus Island, New Ireland, Jiwaka, Enga and Bougainville.

A ground breaking ceremony for the new facility on Manus Island was held last Friday at the Red Hill Polnou jail, outside the provincial capital Lorengau.

PNG's Correctional Services Commission thanked landowners for allowing the project to proceed under a Public Private Partnership program.

Upgrading of the nine jails has begun a week out from the Government's annual budget which the Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, had promised would not allocate money to garner votes in next year's general election.