Infrastructure / Politics

Auckland councillor reflects on night of Auckland Anniversary flooding, review into response

07:14 am on 13 April 2023


A highly critical report into the Auckland Anniversary weekend's devastating flood has highlighted multiple failings in the Auckland Council response, from the Mayor down. 

An independent review, headed by former Police Commissioner, Mike Bush found the council's emergency management system was not prepared for an event of the magnitude and speed of the storm.

The lack of preparedness was known to key council decision makers in advance, but at the time of the flood it was a work in progress.

Senior leaders under-estimated the need to be visible and communicate with the public and the council's emergency management team lacked command, crisis leadership skills and operational experience.

The report says the council should have declared a state of emergency sooner.

Auckland Council Emergency Management and Civil Defence Committee chair and Howick councillor Sharon Stewart spoke to Ingrid Hipkiss.

Morning Report asked key players onto the programme this morning - Auckland mayor Wayne Brown, Auckland deputy mayor Desley Simpson, Auckland Council chief executive Jim Stabback, Minister for Auckland Michael Wood, Minister for Emergency Management Kieran McAnulty, and Auckland Emergency Management - all declined to front.