Pacific / Fiji

Call for Fiji's AG to step down

16:45 pm on 6 November 2020

A former Fiji prime minister said Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum should step down as police continue investigations into his alleged involvement in a bombing incident more 30 years ago.

The Attorney-General is being investigated over a bombing incident which allegedly resulted in the death of a woman in 1987.

Police said they had received a complaint against the senior government official.

The leader of Fiji's Labour Party, Mahendra Chaudhry Photo: AFP

Mahendra Chaudhry also called on police to complete their investigations because the case is more than four months old.

The Labour Party leader said the police investigations were "still open and ongoing" and this gave the impression police were in no hurry to solve the case.

In a statement, Chaudhry said Sayed-Khaiyum should step down to ensure a "credible investigation" was conducted.

As the chief custodian of the law in the country he should know better, Chaudhry said.

During a media conference in Suva, Sayed-Khaiyum was asked about whether he had anything to say or if police had spoken to him in relation to the complaint.

But the Attorney-General only said police were carrying out their investigations.

"What is surprising is that he did not deny the allegations when asked by the newspaper whether he had anything to say or if the police had spoken to him in relation to the case," Chaudhry said.

Chaudhry said the police statement was "somewhat unsettling" adding that "to describe investigations concerning a serious matter such as this as 'still open and ongoing' gives one the impression that they are in no hurry to conclude the case which was reported well over four months ago.

"We expect better than that from our police force."

Police did not confirm if they had interviewed Sayed-Khaiyum over the matter.