
Solomons Opposition says Government has gone overboard in travel spending

14:53 pm on 28 June 2006

The Solomon Islands prime minister has been criticized by the opposition over what it terms excessive spending on travel expenses.

The opposition's spokesperson Snyder Rini says the 2 month old Sogavare administration has gone overboard with its spending on travel.

Mr Rini says government officials have so far visited the Caribbean, France, Cook Islands Papua New Guinea, Fiji Belgium and Australia.

He says for example, this week the PM Manasseh Sogavare took unecessary staff to Paris.

"He's taken with him the Secretary to cabinet, his personal secretary and also the Deputy Ssecretary to cabinet. He should only take one secretary or one official from the ministry of foreign affairs. He didn't do that. He's also taken ministers and backbenchers who have nothing to do with this meeting he's attending."

Snyder Rini

A spokesman for the government Alfred Maesulia had no comment on the matter.