
Govt fudging cost of selling assets - Labour

22:47 pm on 19 July 2012

The Labour Party is accusing the National-led Government of trying to fudge how much it is costing to sell shares in state-owned energy companies.

Labour's State-owned Enterprises spokesperson ays Finance Minister Bill English did not fully disclose the cost when asked in Parliament on Thursday.

Clayton Cosgrove says: "He dodged and weaved in the Parliament and said that the cost of asset sales to date was effectively $1.1 million. Now these aren't my figures, these are figures he's had for a month in black and white. They were responses from the supplementary written questions from the FEC committee which had been released, which show that the total spend year-end is $7 million."

Mr Cosgrove says if there are legal challenges the cost will rise, and the Government should stop the sales