
Obama understands needs of small island nations, says Senator's sister

21:44 pm on 5 February 2008

The sister of US democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barrack Obama, believes he's the only candidate who understands the needs of small island nations, like American Samoa.

Maya Soetoro Ing, who teaches in Hawaii, was on the local airwaves to pitch her brother's candidacy as the American Samoa Democratic Party prepares to vote for their nominee in Super Tuesday tomorrow.

She says growing up in Hawaii and Indonesia has sensitised Mr Obama to the needs of the Pacific Islands, something that other candidates lack.

"The environmental work that he has done, I think is very important there, his work on nuclear weapons, climate change, poverty, disease, all of this. These are issues that are of tremendous concern to the people of American Samoa."

Maya Soetoro Ing, the younger sister of Senator Barrack Obama.

The American Samoa Democratic Party has six votes.