Te Ao Māori

Green Party candidate steps up for Ikaroa-Rawhiti electorate

19:42 pm on 21 May 2013

The Green Party says one person has already come forward to seek candidacy for the Ikaroa-Rawhiti by-election.

On Tuesday the party announced it will be joining the Labour, Mana and Maori parties in their bid to represent the electorate following the death of Parekura Horomia.

Co-leader Metiria Turei says voters in Ikaroa-Rawhiti know the party has a commitment to Maori issues, and it wants to give them a choice.

She says the nominees will not be named unless they choose to reveal themselves.

A candidate selection meeting will be held on Friday.

The Mana Party will announce its candidate on Wednesday and Labour will select its candidate on Sunday.

The Maori Party's candidate is Na Raihania.

The by-election will be held on 29 June.