Jet engine 'explosion' leaves one dead

08:10 am on 18 April 2018


There have been dramatic scenes on board a Southwest Airlines flight in the United States. The Boeing 737 on a flight between New York and Dallas with 143 passengers and five crew on board - was forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia after an engine blew. A piece of shrapnel flew into the plane - breaking a window. Passengers say there were chaotic scenes and blood everywhere as people tried to rescue a woman who was being sucked out the damaged window. After the plane landed the woman was taken to hospital in a critical condition and has died. Pictures show the damaged engine looking completely shredded. Video posted to social media from on board the flight shows oxygen masks dangling down and the plane shuddering and rattling. Many said it seemed like the pilot was having trouble controlling the plane and they feared the worst. The plane was met with dozens of emergency service vehicles and covered in foam before passengers were taken into the terminal. Air transport safety officials are on their way to the airport to start an investigation.