The Wireless

Flatbush Zombies make 'rebel music'

10:24 am on 24 June 2014

If you were to describe your style of music to your grandmother's friends what would you say? "Rebel music" fires back Meechy Darko from Brooklyn indie-rap trio Flatbush Zombies.

“I would tell her not to listen to it,” says Erick Arc Elliott their beat-maker, producer and lyricist; clad in a Basquiat-printed shirt.

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“Organic” says Zombie Juice, purple dreads sticking out of his hoody.

In New Zealand for the Red Bull Sound Select #BLOCKPARTY, Zombie Juice says their live show involves “Blood, guts, love and tears”.

There’s “mosh pits, occasional breasts and Ellington (he points to their DJ who is hiding in the corner of the green room) stage diving, everything you know. A good show,” says Meechy Darko.

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Also at the #BLOCKPARTY were local names Beat Mob, Kamandi, Team Dynamite, Third3ye, Esther Stephens & The Means, Spycc and HIGH HØØPS.

This content is brought to you with funding support from New Zealand On Air.