Vanuatu's climate change minister says the country is working towards having 100 percent of its electricity generated from renewable energy sources by 2030.
And the prime minister also announced a number of new renewable energy projects that were in the pipeline for the country.
Radio Vanuatu reported that at the commissioning of a new solar farm funded by the United Arab Emirates and New Zealand, Charlot Salwai spoke of another 1.5 kilowatt solar farm at Devil's Point.
He also said a 48 kilowatt biofuel system at Sola, funded by the European Union, would supply electricity to the Torba provincial headquarters area and a 144 kilowatt system would supply 200 households at East Ambae.
Mr Salwai said a 75 kilowatt hyrdro system on the Talise River on Maewo, funded by Italy, would supply some 260 households, and there were other projects in the works for Brenwei and Sarakata.