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Govt agencies slow to take up facial recognition contract

12:08 pm on 20 July 2024
Asian man is using facial recognition for payment

It was envisioned that other government agencies and private companies could join the Internal Affairs contract to use DXC facial recognition technology. Photo: Getty Images

A deal to allow public agencies to more easily use facial recognition technology has had zero uptake.

Internal Affairs set up a master contract four years ago and invited agencies to use it.

The aim was to cut the paperwork for them to get a biometric system set up for them by big US firm DXC Technology.

DXC provides facial recognition to the department's passport and citizenship services.

But four years on, no other agency has tapped into the master agreement.

"No other agencies have subscribed, as a participating agency to our facial recognition as a service commercial arrangements," Internal Affairs told RNZ on Friday.

It was not actively promoting its uptake but was keeping the deal in place to ensure continuity of service.

"No changes to the service are planned," it said.

When it set the master contract up, the department envisaged its use by private companies too, but that has not happened. The deal was that any private organisation could seek approval to join from Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.