New Zealand / Politics

Parliament protest: Negotiation expert pushes for mediation

20:25 pm on 14 February 2022

The government must meet the protesters and listen to their concerns in order for the occupation of Parliament's grounds to be resolved, the former lead crisis negotiator for police says.

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The protest has lasted a week and shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver

The anti-mandate, anti-vaccination protest at Parliament's grounds is in its seventh day, with heavy rain and music chosen by the Speaker of the House doing little to deter protesters at the weekend.

There were about 1000 people at the protest today, while many people who work at Parliament stayed home.

The protesters' cars have been blocking surrounding streets, and today they were offered safe and free parking at Sky Stadium.

Former police lead crisis negotiator Lance Burdett said that was a good, tactical move.

"...Because when you offer something to somebody, they offer something back. It's a tactic that is used in many, many situations of giving something first to show that you are in that position to talk."

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Former police negotiator Lance Burdett. Photo: TODD EYRE Photography Ltd

Police are in charge of security, but not negotiating, Burdett said. That had to involve the government, as they were who the protesters were trying to reach.

"For people to come together, somebody has to make the first move. They have made the first move by coming to Parliament grounds. The second move should be through somebody from government - it doesn't have to be the prime minister, it can be anyone."

"When you offer something to somebody, they offer something back" - Lance Burdett

But the meeting must take place outside Parliament grounds, Burdett said.

"It's called 'change position'. When you move somebody away from the site it starts to calm them down."

He encouraged government representatives to meet with representatives of the protesters at a neutral venue and to listen to what they have to say. It would be good if someone independent could be brought in to help mediate, he said.

Blasting music and cutting off food supplies were tactics deployed 20 years ago, Burdett said.

"These days it's more about coming together, and there are plenty of opportunities to come together. It's just having one person from one side making the first move."

When asked if it was time for an "olive branch" gesture or for politicians to meet and talk with protesters, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said their actions did "not create a space where there's any sense that they want dialogue".

"What I have seen down on that forecourt does not suggest to me that this is a group that are interested in engaging in policy development.

"There are signs down there calling for the death of politicians."