
Three refugees attacked on PNG's Manus Island

08:52 am on 31 July 2017

Three of Australia's refugees kept in Papua New Guinea have been attacked.

The gate to Foxtrot compound inside the Manus detention centre.

The gate to Foxtrot compond inside the Manus detention centre. Photo: Refugee Action Coalition

According to the Refugee Action Coalition, two refugees, one Sudanese and one Iranian, were brutally attacked in two separate incidents on Manus Island.

In a third incident, an Afghan refugee was attacked and robbed near the hospital.

The Coalition's Ian Rintoul said despite urgent calls from refugees and the Lorengau hospital, the Australian-funded contractor International Health and Medical Services initially refused to attend the hospital.

The assaults came amid tension on Manus where the detention camps are being closed because the PNG courts declared them to be illegal.