
Foley has special words for Lydia Ko

07:13 am on 21 April 2021

Lydia Ko's swing coach Sean Foley has posted a special message about the New Zealand golfer following her victory in the Lotte Championship in Hawaii at the weekend.

New Zealand golfer Lydia Ko.


Ko ended a three year winning drought with an impressive victory in the LPGA event.

It was the 23 year olds 14th victory on the Tour.

Ko and Foley teamed up last year.

Foley, a Canadian, has previously helped Tiger Woods and curretly works with Justin Rose.

Foley said on Istagram

I have had some time to reflect on the incredible victory at @lottechampionship by my girl @lydsko. When we look at the picture I posted we can see all the correct wrist angles, tilts and rotations at a 1:1 ratio. We can see horizontal, vertical and rotational forces. Stretch phases, counter rotation and extension phases all gloriously exhibited in a young Queen who has given everything to be the best version of herself. I have to admit when I started working with Lyds, I was at a cross roads in my career. After 13 years coaching on the PGA Tour, and accomplishing so much but at the same time, bruised and bleeding from all of my failures and not feeling like I was enough more often than I wanted to. I have seen the sunset from the highest professional summit, only to realize that night was near. It was dark, freezing and seemingly not worth it. Trying to be a husband and a father, but not present in either as my perception of my work became my identity. My tattoos were reminders of when I had more clarity, they now seemed like a lie. The pandemic hit, and I finally had time to challenge my understanding, and look deeply into why I do what I do. The question that kept coming to the surface was, "I have lived my dream, accomplished incredible things, but how I can feel so empty?" The question that arose from that painful but most important time was, "Why do I coach?" The next day I get a phone call from Lydia. As we started to work I started to remember why I started to do this for a living in the first place. I develop as I develop others. We are all one. If I improve you, I improve. I am giving the advice I need to hear the most, until one day I am a walking example of it, an energy that makes all things around me vibrate. This has been a very emotional post to write, but the recognition of our self truths is the only thing that can emancipate us. I want to thank Lydia, Rosey, Van Damme, Sarah Jane, Champ, Willett, An, Mahan, Woods, Sammy H, Lucas B, Alex L, Gligs and all those who have asked me for guidance. We are all guiding each other. Peace and Love to all of you - INWARDS and UPWARDS. #love #teachme

Ko, who is now ranked in the top ten in the world, will play the LA Open this week.