
Forum head says HIV/Aids now a security issue for Pacific countries

18:26 pm on 19 June 2006

Pacific security officials are in Nadi today and tomorrow to discuss how security threats are evolving in the Pacific region, and what Pacific Island countries can do to counter them.

The secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum, Greg Urwin, says it is important for Pacific Island countries to be aware of the changing nature of security threats, so that they can work together to address them.

He says HIV/AIDS is on the agenda for the first time as a human security threat as there is continuing concern over its spread and the likely impact on island communities.

Mr Urwin says security officials will contribute to the efforts by other sectors to tackle the wider challenges posed by HIV/AIDS, as it is far more than a health issue.

Other issues up for discussion include the need for better border management

through improvements in legislation, communications, infrastructure,

capacity building and good governance.