Election 2008

Public transport key to Greens transport policy

14:09 pm on 21 September 2008

The Green Party is proposing a "dollar-a-ride" policy to try to get more people using public transport, as part of its transport policy launched on Sunday.

It proposes that everyone be able to travel off-peak on public transport for $1 anywhere within the urban limits of any city, for a two hour period.

The policy proposes cheaper daily, weekly and monthly transport passes and a 50% discount for children, students and beneficiaries.

Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said the current transport system is biased in favour of cars and trucks, and against trains, buses, ferries, bikes, and people on foot.

She said that is unaffordable and unsustainable, and the Greens would progressively increase the proportion of the transport budget that Government spends on public transport, walking and cycling facilities.