Labour Party leader Andrew Little is undismayed by his low polling as preferred Prime Minister.
Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson
Listen to Andrew Little
The National Party's defeat in last month's Northland by-election has failed to dent its popularity, with the latest One News Colmar Brunton poll showing the party steady on 49 percent.
Labour is also steady, but a long way behind, on 31 percent.
The poll also showed New Zealand First leader Winston Peters, who won the Northland by-election, moving up the preferred Prime Minister rankings to 10 percent, just behind Mr Little on 11 percent support.
But Mr Little said he wasn't worried, and told Morning Report voters were reconnecting with the party.
"The feedback I'm getting from people, who come up to me at events and in the street, and say, 'We've listened to you, we like what you're saying, we just want to know you guys are serious, you're in it for the long haul.' We've had two terms where we've had a pretty rocky ride."
Mr Little said that he was pleased with the party's progress in the polls.