New Zealand

Family First being deregistered as charity

13:52 pm on 6 May 2013

A lobby group that spoke out against same sex-marriage believes the decision to remove their charity status is part of a campaign to shut them up.

Family First has been registered as a charity since 2007 and has now been notified by Charities Services that it will be deregistered from 27 May.

Family First says it promotes family values and publicly opposed the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill that legalised same-sex marriage, and earlier anti-smacking legislation.

National director Bob McCoskrie said the organisation's high profile on these issues has made them a target and he believes they are being punished for opposing the views of Charities Services.

Charities Services said Family First is being removed from the register because it no longer meets the requirements set out in the Charities Act.

It refused to respond to Mr McCoskrie's accusations that Family First is being punished for its beliefs, but said on Monday it was preparing a statement.