Pacific / Cook Islands

Cooks opposition claims sabotage by government

09:37 am on 17 April 2019

The Cook Islands government has sabotaged opposition plans to file a motion regarding the conduct of MPs, the opposition leader says.

Cook Islands Democratic Party leader, Tina Browne

Cook Islands Democratic Party leader, Tina Browne Photo: Cook Islands Democratic Party

The first parliamentary sitting for the year was adjourned on Wednesday, after just three half-day sessions.

The Cook Islands News reported the opposition planned to file the motion and, as per requirement, had included it on the order paper.

But opposition leader Tina Brown said the government "abused the Standing Orders" in order to adjourn the house before the motion could be tabled.

The public has been critical of the number of days parliament sits "and here we are, in our first sitting for the year in the fourth month, and we sat for only two days", Ms Brown said.