
Govt reveals Auckland housing land

15:47 pm on 29 May 2015

The Government has released details of surplus Crown land in Auckland that it says could provide 600 homes in the near future.

Housing and Building Minister Nick Smith at the Massey East parcel of Crown land identified for housing in Auckland.

Housing and Building Minister Nick Smith at the Massey East parcel of Crown land identified for housing in Auckland. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson

Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith gave details of the four pieces of surplus land to more than 250 people from the development community which he hoped would would work with the Government to build homes on the sites.

Three of the sites are surplus land owned by the Transport Agency in central Manukau, Mt Albert and Hobsonville.

The Massey East parcel of Crown land identified for housing in Auckland.

The land identified for housing in Auckland. Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson

The fourth site, which Dr Smith hoped could begin construction this summer is surplus education land in Moire Rd, Massey, West Auckland.

Dr Smith said a further 470 hectares of publicly owned land was still being assessed for its suitability for possible housing developments.

The Minister joined the media for a bus tour ahead of today's announcement about which Crown land would be offered to developers.