New Zealand / Court

Hone Harawira's brother on trial for historical child sex abuse charges

17:30 pm on 31 January 2024

By Catrin Owen of

Taiawa Harawira, the brother of former Māori Party MP Hone Harawira , is facing trial at the Auckland District Court. (file image) Photo: ABIGAIL DOUGHERTY/STUFF

Warning: This story contains details of alleged child sexual abuse and violence

Against the background of political unrest in the late '70s and early '80s, a member of a Māori activist family and the brother of a former politician is alleged to have repeatedly raped and indecently assaulted a young girl.

Taiawa Harawira, the brother of former Māori Party MP Hone Harawira , is facing trial at the Auckland District Court. Harawira is the son of the late Titewhai Harawira.

He has pleaded not guilty to 30 charges of indecency with a girl under 12, four rape charges, including representative charges meaning it is alleged to have happened numerous times, and four charges of threatening to kill six charges of injuring with intent.

Harawira was arrested in 2020 and is alleged to have told a detective: "I know what this is about. I've been waiting 30 years for this".

His lawyer, Ron Mansfield KC, said that was because all his life he's had these allegations thrown at him and his family in an attempt to marginalise and embarrass him. Mansfield said the complainant was lying and the evidence was unreliable.

On Wednesday, prosecutor Jessica Ah Koy told the jury about the Crown case.

Harawira was in his early 20s while the young girl, close to the family, was under 12 in the late '70s and early '80s.

During this time, there were many hīkoi around Aotearoa and the Harawira family home in Avondale which was used as a hub for Māori activism, but Harawira and his family also moved around various marae.

He used this to his advantage and sexually abused the girl at a number of marae and homes, Ah Koy said.

During this time, Harawira was often left alone with the children, including the girl to baby sit while her mother and other adults attended meetings or hīkoi.

Ah Koy said Harawira would play fight with the girl and it was fun to start with, but it escalated to be more aggressive and he would pin her down.

The first time he's accused of indecently assaulting her, he is alleged to have said: "Not old enough".

This behaviour continued as Harawira isolated the girl away from the other children and continued to indecently assault her, Ah Koy said.

He warned her if she told anyone he would kill her mother.

When the girl and her whānau moved to Whangārei, there was a house warming.

On one occasion, the girl was getting changed into her pyjama's while Harawira watched and later pinned her against the wall alleged to have told her he was "preparing you for something that's really good".

He put her on the bed, started strangling her and indecently touched her, Ah Koy alleged. Again he is alleged to have threatened to kill her mother if she told anyone.

The girl said this happened multiple times at the Whangārei address, despite her resisting and telling him no.

He would also indecently touch her while staying at various marae in Northland, the Crown say.

"Mr Harawira would get up and move away in the morning before anyone could see," Ah Koy said.

On one occasion, Harawira took the girl to get snacks and sweets. While out in the car, he stopped and told her he wanted her to touch his penis, the Crown says.

The young girl was confused and did not understand what was going to do.

He locked the door and forced the young girl to give him oral sex, the Crown said this happened a number of times.

When the young girl was about 9, she began going through puberty.

On one occasion, while her mother and other adults were preparing for a hīkoi, he pinned her against a corner in the yard and allegedly indecently assaulted her while she had her period.

The young girl was 10 when she was raped for the first time, Ah Koy said.

Harawira allegedly threatened to offend against her younger sister if she didn't comply. She was terrified and told she was no longer a virgin.

Harawira allegedly continued to rape the young girl on numerous occasions, she let it happen as she was fearful he would carry out his threats to kill her mother.

The last time he is accused of raping the young girl, he told her she would never get away from him as they were family.

The young girl did not have any further contact with Harawira.

Ah Koy told the jury they would hear evidence from the complainant herself and her sisters, who she later told about the offending.

Mansfield told the court his client never had a sexual interest in children.

The trial before Judge Mary-Beth Sharpe and a jury continues.

- This story was first published by Stuff.