
Air Moana to fly across French Polynesia

13:46 pm on 11 January 2022

French Polynesia's newest domestic airline has started recruiting staff in the hope of launching flights in April.

Natireva hires pilots for Air Moana

Natireva hires pilots for Air Moana Photo: supplied FB

A local company, Natireva, obtained an operating licence for Air Moana last month and is now seeking 15 captains and 15 officers.

The carrier has been authorised to transport goods and passengers but is yet to receive the final certificates to service the 21 planned destinations.

The airline, which was founded by a former head of Air Tahiti, wants in a first phase to lease three ATR aircraft.

Air Moana plans to fly to destinations in the Society Islands and the northern Tuamotu group.

In 2020, plans for an additional domestic airline, Islands Airline, which was to operate jets, were shelved because of the pandemic.