
Papua Governor warns against transmigration

20:28 pm on 4 November 2014

The Governor of Papua Province, Lucas Enembe, has rejected the new Indonesian cabinet's planned transmigration programme.

The Minister of Rural Development , Marwan Jafar plans to encourage more Javanese and other non-Papuan Indonesians to migrate to Papua region.

He says people should feel comfortable about migrating to Papua despite what he describes as misperceptions about the security situation there.

However Papua province's Governor has sounded a warning about the plan leading to further marginalisation of indigenous Papuans which could cause more conflict with non-Papuans.

Tabloid Jubi reports Mr Enembe saying that just because the number of people in Papua is small compared to Java, it doesn't mean transmigration will work.

He says that no land in Papua is vacant, but instead is held as communal land by local native tribes.

The Governor warns that interferring with this complex land system will create problems.