Mercedes was last seen wearing a blue hoodie, a black and red jacket with Māori designs on it, blue trackpants and white jandals. Photo: Supplied / NZ Police
Police and whānau of a teenager missing in the Whanganui area are calling on the public to help locate her.
Mercedes Capri Haddon, 17, was last seen near Kowhai Park on Monday.
Family spokesperson Gina Melody-Roore said Mercedes was from Palmerston North and had been visiting relatives in Whanganui.
She said the teenager lived with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASDs) and was vulnerable.
"Mercedes does have some day-to-day challenges in life and she's not your typical teenager.
"So, what we would ask was that if you did see her to be calm in your approach to her and quiet, and just be mindful that her response may be reactive and that's simply based on the challenges that she's had in her life."
Melody-Roore said when she went missing, Mercedes was wearing a blue hoodie, a black and red jacket with Māori designs on it, blue trackpants and white jandals.
"We're concerned about her wellbeing. We're mindful that she doesn't have kai or fresh clothes and all those, you know, requirements.
"And we don't know who she's with and we really need to bring her home."
Since Monday, Melody-Roore said whānau from around the motu had helped with the search for Mercedes.
"We've had up to 50 people a day coming out in drips and drabs to cover specified search areas."
She said family could not think of a reason why Mercedes had gone missing.
"It's hard to say but it is uncharacteristic of her and we don't know, we just don't know."
On social media, police said they had concerned for her welfare and "urge the public to assist in bringing her home".
"If you have any information about Mercedes or where she might be, please call 105 and quote file number 240115/4249."