Party People - Season 2 | Episode 22 [20th September 2022]
Opinions expressed in this podcast are the honestly held views of the panelists. This Episode may contain some STRONG OPINIONS.
We pay homage to the late Maanu Paul, Shane Jones and Shane Te Pou discuss the handling of the Sam Uffindell report, the Auckland Mayoralty and whether Kiwi Build is delivering for Māori.
Usually 6:30pm every other Tuesday (2022), following Checkpoint on RNZ National, RNZ YouTube and RNZ Facebook
This version of Party People Episode 22 has been edited to remove an error. To be eligible for a KiwiBuild home single buyers can earn up to $120,000, single buyers with one or more dependents up to $150,000 and two or more buyers up to $200,000.
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