
Anger at Muslim Mickey Mouse tweets

08:42 am on 29 June 2011

One of Egypt's richest men has been accused of mocking Islam by tweeting cartoons of Mickey and Minnie Mouse wearing conservative Muslim attire.

Telecoms magnate Naguib Sawiris, a Coptic Christian, has apologised for re-posting the images on the social network forum Twitter a few days ago, saying he meant no offence, the BBC reports.

But several Islamic lawyers have filed a formal complaint and there are calls for a boycott of his businesses.

The outcry comes at a time of tension between Egypt's Christians and Muslims.

The tweeted images showed Mickey Mouse wearing a traditional Islamic robe with a full beard, while Minnie Mouse is wearing a niqab - a full-body veil - with just her eyes showing.

She is identifiable by her large ears and trademark pink hair ribbon.

The cartoons are widely circulating online, but when Mr Sawiris re-posted them, he received an immediate angry reaction from people who said they were offended.