
Women's group says Tonga opposition wasting time

14:00 pm on 9 October 2012

A women's group in Tonga, which is critical of the vote of no confidence provision in the constitution, is pleased the government survived yesterday's vote and says it is time the opposition stopped wasting time.

The Democratic Party first put forward the motion for a vote of no confidence in the government more than three months ago and it was finally tested but rejected by a 13-11 majority.

Dr Ana Koloto, from the women's group Fakatouhama, says the claim by the opposition leader Akilisi Pohiva, that the government had lost the backing of the people, was not true.

She says when her group went around the community, people wanted the government to serve its full term.

"We will not be distracted anymore but focus on getting things and working. We need to build a nation and get on with our lives because the last two months has been basically wasted and we cannot allow them to play around with our lives anymore."

Dr Koloto says her group will push for a national survey to find out if people want the vote of no confidence facility in the constitution.