Troy Kingi on his 80's album Year Of The Ratbags And Their Musty Theme Songs

14:00 pm on 9 October 2022

Troy Kingi (Te Arawa, Ngāpuhi, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) is stoked for people to hear his new '80s-inspired album Year Of The Ratbags And Their Musty Theme Songs.

It's the sixth album the award-winning Northland musician has released in his 10:10:10 series of 10 albums in 10 different genres over 10 years.

Troy Kingi

Troy Kingi Photo: Abe Mora Photography

Troy tells Charlotte Ryan that a week before he went into the studio to record Year Of The Ratbags, he wasn't happy with anything he'd written. Thankfully his band worked it out together.

"I've just got to trust the creative gods that I'm doing the right thing sometimes. I go through that stage of questioning everything I'm doing. Is it good? Am I still pushing the boundaries at all or am I just going through the motions? I have these mad wananga [lectures] with myself, just questioning everything.

"After we finished [the new track 'A Little Knowledge'] I was like 'I think this is going to work."

Listen to Troy Kingi on Music 101

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Troy Kingi

Troy Kingi “Year Of The Ratbags And Their Musty Theme Songs" Album Art Photo: Supplied

Kingi's previous releases have won him many awards, including the 2021 APRA Silver Scroll Award for his song 'All Your Ships'.

He doesn't pay much mind to accolades, though. Completing the 10:10:10 series is his primary goal.

'I feel like I can't stop to bask in the glory. I'm thinking about the whole ten [albums]. That's my endgame. Each of these albums is just a stepping stone to that final goal so I don't think I'm gonna fully appreciate it till I'm at the back end of it, looking down at these things saying 'yes, I made it. Now I can listen to these, I suppose."

The album title Year Of The Ratbags is a reference to the Chinese Year of Rat - 1984 is Troy's birth year.

Although some "hardcore fans" badger him clues about the meanings of his songs, he likes to keep things cryptic and also mix some fiction into his lyrics.

"Face value, I just want people to appreciate the songs for what they are. But maybe a year down the line they figure out what that is and it gives it another life."

Even if his fans hate Year Of The Ratbags And Their Musty Theme Songs, they only have to wait a year for the next album, which Troy says he's already working on.

"I'm very lucky that I get to play in all these different realms, be a silly guy."

Before making this album, he had "steered clear" of 1980s influences in his music.

"I was born in the '80s but it's always been a super tacky era for me as far as production goes. We just embraced it fully on this album as far as gated snares and all the sounds I normally cringe at. I really enjoyed making this album and just embracing my era."

At the album release party on 14 October, Troy says he'll be playing the whole album as well as some of his earlier songs covered in an '80s-synth style.

He hopes people will dress the part, but that doesn't have to mean goofy: "Try and think cool '80s."

Troy Kingi on RNZ:

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