New Zealand

Well-known entertainer who assaulted wife has interim name suppression

12:56 pm on 13 September 2019

A judge has declined to grant permanent name suppression to a well-known entertainer who assaulted his wife.

North Shore District Court.

North Shore District Court Photo: Google Maps

His identity, however, remains a secret after his lawyer indicated the decision will be appealed to the High Court.

The entertainer became upset and kicked his wife under the table of an Auckland restaurant last year.

She went home and he later returned home intoxicated, spat in her face and grabbed her, putting her in a headlock.

He pleaded guilty to one charge of male assaults female. At North Shore District Court in April, Judge Claire Ryan described the assault as "a mark of cowardice" and sentenced him to six months' supervision and 70 hours of community work.

The man sought permanent name suppression at sentencing on the basis it had been requested by the victim for anonymity.

Judge Ryan declined the application but his name was kept secret after he indicated he would appeal the decision to the High Court.

The man's identity has remained anonymous since then in light of this appeal period and subsequent jurisdicational matters that led to a review held in the North Shore District Court this morning.

After hearing robust submissions from lawyers in the case, Judge Pippa Sinclair declined to grant permanent name suppression.

She imposed an interim order for 20 working days after the applicant's lawyer indicated the decision may be appealed to the High Court.