New Zealand

77% of NZers live in North Island

16:51 pm on 26 October 2017

More than three quarters of New Zealanders call the North Island home.

The North Island

The North Island Photo: NASA

Official figures from the end of June show an estimated 3.67 million people live on the island - 77 percent of the total population.

The North Island's population grew at a rate of 2.2 percent, slightly faster than the national average of 2.1 percent.

The fastest growing areas have been in large cities and neighbouring districts.

Kaipara and Waikato had the highest growth rates, followed by Waipa and Auckland.

Strong growth in Northland has led to an increase in population density of the upper North Island, with about half the country's population living north of Lake Rotorua.

Stats NZ said there were now 18 people per square kilometre, compared with 13 in 1991.

There is considerable variation at the local level though, with 18,000 people per square kilometre in central Auckland.