
Vanuatu PSC to comment about doctors' planned moves

16:00 pm on 8 June 2006

The superintendent at Port Vila Central Hospital in Vanuatu says he hasn't heard what the Public Service Commission intends to do to stop a group of doctors leaving to work overseas.

The hospital risks losing eight qualified young doctors if the PSC fails to honour an application by the hospital to provide them with permanent appointments as civil servants.

Dr Willie Tokon says that in January the doctors had their contracts extended until the end of June so that the PSC could process their applications.

But Dr Tokon says he's at a loss to explain why permanent contracts have not been forthcoming.

However, he's due to meet the PSC officials tomorrow.

"You know, we've been having a lot of problem with nurses and this now has become doctors - it came out in the news. The PSC chairman was not very happy. He called me and said his general managers in the PSC are doing their best. So I will find out tomorrow whether something can be done before the end of June."

Dr Willie Tokon