The Wireless

Rena owners say to risky to move

09:19 am on 4 June 2014

The owners of the wrecked container ship Rena have said it is unlikely any more debris or oil from the vessel will wash up onshore if it is left on the Astrolabe reef off the Tauranga coastline, Radio New Zealand reports.

The owners, Costamare, believe it is too risky to move what remains of the wreck, and have formally applied to leave it where it is.

A spokesperson for the company, Hugo Shanahan, told Morning Report a plan is in place to contain any debris or oil which comes from the ship in the next ten years at the owner's expense.

“If it degrades and breaks up over time, what you are seeing there is a structure that is not going to float. You are talking about heavy chunks of steel. The scope of work the salvagers have been focused on has been to remove the potential for any future flotsam.”