New Zealand / Crime

Woman jailed for trying to smuggle $2m worth of cocaine in Auckland

15:46 pm on 9 May 2024

Liquid cocaine was found concealed in hair product containers. Photo: Supplied / NZ Customs

A woman has been jailed in Auckland after attempting to smuggle $1.94 million worth of cocaine into the country.

Delphine Ganon, 42, was caught in April 2023 trying to bring 4.3 kilograms of cocaine through Auckland International Airport, hidden in bottles of hair products, and the lining of her suitcase.

She appeared in Manukau District Court on Thursday, and was convicted of importing and possessing a Class A controlled drug.

Ganon was sentenced to five years and five months in prison.

Customs could not confirm the origin of the drugs.

But a spokesperson said Ganon arrived on a flight "which originated in Paris, France, prior to which she had spent a short amount of time in Porto, Portugal".

Customs officials found 3.25kg of cocaine in the lining of a suitcase at Auckland International Airport. Photo: Supplied / NZ Customs

The quantity of drugs would have produced about 43,300 common doses, Customs said in a statement.

The seizure was estimated to have prevented up to $1.29m of social harm and cost to New Zealand, it said.

Auckland Airport customs manager Paul Williams said it remained ever-alert in the fight to stop the flow of illegal drugs entering the country.

"Our officers are well-equipped to identify and stop people who think they can bring illegal substances into our communities," Williams said.