
Govt not ruling out mine sale idea

10:33 am on 7 March 2014

The Government would not rule out allowing state-owned coal mines to be sold to Indian interests but there are no plans on the table to do so, Finance Minister Bill English says.

The government would not rule out allowing state-owned coal mines to be sold to Indian interests but there are no plans on the table to do so, Finance Minister Bill English says.

Finance Minister Bill English. Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski

Financially-troubled coal company Solid Energy says it has been approached by the Indian government about buying some of its mines but that it is a matter for the government to consider.

Green MP Catherine Delahunty said it would be a mistake to sell any mining assets overseas. That would promote more extensive mining, she said, and the Greens believed it was not in New Zealand interests to rely on coal for jobs or exports.

Mr English told Radio New Zealand's Morning Report programme said the Government was not in discussions about the sale with any parties and but would not discriminate against Indian interests.

He said it would be foolish to rule out anything, because Solid Energy is struggling and its survival is very important to employment on the West Coast.

West Coast Labour MP Damien O'Connor said selling some of the mines should be examined if it will help secure jobs.

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