Te Ao Māori

Call for film makers to consult Maori on cultural issues

06:27 am on 20 October 2011

Maori film director and writer Kath Akuhata-Brown says an ongoing inability by many film makers to consult with Maori on cultural issues, needs to change.

Ms Akuhata-Brown was one of three people working in the film industry who took part in a debate in Wellington on Wednesday entitled Dial a Maori, the art of consultation.

She's on the board of the independent body Script to Screen, which organised the debate.

Ms Akuhata-Brown says the panel took a hard look at the way forward for New Zealand film and television projects, and the place of Maori.

She says there have been many film projects over the years with a Maori story, where there's been no creative or cultural input from Maori.

Ms Akuhata-Brown says that needs to change and the creative industry in New Zealand needs to move forward.