The government's sale of Tauranga's state houses to a private social housing provider has gone ahead.
The transfer of 1140 state houses in Tauranga will take place on 1 April. Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly
Accessible Properties, a subsidiary of IHC, signed a contract to buy and manage 1140 Housing New Zealand.
The High Court ruled the sale legal earlier this month, after a challenge by the lobby group the State Housing Action Coalition. The transfer will take place in April.
Accessible Properties general manager Andrew Wilson said the company was "committed to tenants determined to provide a great service".
As well and maintaining and improving the current stock, the company planned to add another 150 homes in the city.
"I want to assure tenants that although their landlord will change, people can remain in their homes for as long as they are eligible and their rent will not change as a result of this transfer," said Mr Wilson.