A Canadian far-right activist is criticising the prime minister's comments on the controversy over her speech as "virtue signalling nonsense".
Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Photo: Supplied.
Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux could not find a venue in Auckland prepared to host their speaking tour on the dangers of multiculturalism.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said New Zealanders were not hostile to free speech, but were hostile to the views of the two Canadians.
In posts on Twitter, Lauren Southern said the prime minister's comments were a blatant display of the limits of diversity.
She said Ms Ardern claimed to support diversity, but cannot support differing opinions being espoused peacefully.
Ms Southern said it was ironic to see the left cheering her being silenced, given the outrage over whether a baker had the right to refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.