
Solomons aims for November election

13:07 pm on 15 September 2014

The Solomon Islands electoral commission plans to hold the general election in November.

However, it's understood that an official proclamation is not expected for at least a week.

The exact date will be announced by the Governor General Sir Frank Kabui after which the election is to be held within 42 days.

The announcement will also mark the start of a 14-day nomination period for intending candidates.

An electoral officer, Philothea Paul, says preparations are on track and the focus is on finalising the voter registration list.

"We are in the final stage of compiling the list. At the moment we are receiving data from the provinces on the decision made by the revising officers, centre and data officers are working on reconciliating all the forms and we will do the amendment accordingly. So we are hoping to get the final list by the end of this month, yeah September."

Philothea Paul, Solomon Islands Electoral Officer.

050514. Photo supplied. Pacific flags. Solomons flags Photo: supplied