History / Music

Blue Smoke: The Main Trunk Line

20:00 pm on 27 November 2022


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Johnny Cooper and his Range Riders. Wellington c1955 Photo courtesy of Sonic Records Photo:

For nearly 100 years the Main Trunk line was the superhighway of Aoteoroa, taking passengers, livestock, and cargo from Johnsonville to Geraldine and beyond. Countless musicians have heard the lonesome whistles blow and turned them into melodies. This episode of Blue Smoke explores a variety of train songs recorded by New Zealanders.

More to explore:

Music Details: 

Track: Automated train announcement (sound effect)
Album: Karanga Voices vol 1 Chants and Calls
Label: School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington

Artist: Tommy Kahi
Track: Twist Train Boogie
Composer: Tommy Kahi
Album: Early Rock’n’Roll from New Zealand vol 3 & 4
Catalogue Number: Collector CLCD7754/A/B

Artist: Johnny Cooper and the Range Riders
Track: Golden Rocket Train
Composer: Clarence E (Hank) Snow
Album:  Ridin’ Along with Johnny Cooper
Label: Sonic

Artist: Apaapa Sisters
Track: Train of Love
Composer: Paul Anka
45 single
Label: Zodiac

Artist: Max McCauley
Track: Waiting for a Train
Composer: Jimmy Rodgers
Album:  20 Golden Yodels
Label: Music World

Artist: Rod Derrett
Track: Bongo Train
Composer: Derrett
45rpm single
Label: Zodiac

Artist: Hogsnort Rupert
Track: Freight Train
Composer: McDevitt-Whisky
Album: Ways of Making You Laugh
Label: HMV

Artist: Sounds Unlimited
Track: Lollipop Train
Composer: P F Sloan and S Barri
45rpm single
Label: HMV

Artist: Rusty Greaves
Track: Mule Train
Composer: Lange Heath-Clickman
EP: Rusty Greaves Sings
Label: Zodiac

Artist: Mary and the Maoris
Track: C’mon Train
Composer: Kawana Pohe
Album:  Mary and the Maoris
Label: Gramophone SSLX 331

Artist: John Charles
Track: Railway Scenes
Composer: John Charles
Album:  Goodbye Pork Pie soundtrack
Label: WEA NZ

Track: Train announcement (sound effect)
Album: Karanga Voices vol 1 Chants and Calls
Label: School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington

Artist: Dalvanius
Track: Love Train
Composer: Gamble-Huff
Album: A Man of Passion
Label: Maui/Jayrem